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Understanding Your Insurance

By Kelly Warf, Au.D. Susan Forman, CCS-P David Tojo, M.D. Many are unaware of what happens between giving their health insurance information to a medical office and the bill they receive from the appointment. Health insurance is an important investment. However, just because you have medical insurance doesn't mean you...


Tips For Better Hearing With a Mask

By: Kelly Warf, Au.D. Wearing a mask has become an important safety measure to reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, masks have become a burden on communication. This has been difficult for those without hearing loss, but sometimes incomprehensible for those with hearing loss. The masks create a barrier to...


March 3rd is World Hearing Health Day

The Ear, Nose, and Throat Center Celebrates March 3, World Hearing Day Hearing loss in the U.S. has reached record numbers, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic In 2007, the World Health Organization designated March 3 as World Hearing Health Day in order to raise awareness to the growing numbers of...

Nose / Throat

5 Commonly Believed Allergy Myths – Debunked!

By: Kelly Warf, Au.D. Michael Layland, M.D. Allergies occur when the body sees the allergen substance as a foreign invader and reacts. Reactions to the allergen can range from mild to severe in the individual. Many believe these 5 allergy remedies will help- but we’re breaking down these allergy myths....


7 Tips to Stop a GERD Cough

By: Kelly Warf, Au.D. Michael Layland, M.D. Many are surprised to learn that the issue behind their chronic cough is not a cold, but rather due to gastroesophageal reflux or GERD. The U.S. Library of Medicine found that GERD was associated in 25% or more cases of chronic coughing. The...


Waiting to get hearing aids can hurt your hearing heath; How even a mild hearing loss can increase progression of dementia, difficulty in speech understanding, and social isolation

By: Kelly Warf, Au.D. While the word “mild” may not bear much weight, that isn’t the case when it comes to a mild hearing loss. It may not feel like you are missing the conversation, however, your eyes and brain are working harder to compensate for your hearing loss. “I...


How to Treat Chronic Nose Bleeds

By: Kelly Warf, Au.D. Alexander Goldin, M.D. Epistaxis; the medical term for nosebleeds. It can be a mild ailment that can often be treated at home or other times serious blood loss can result and it can be dangerous. Medical intervention is recommended if home remedies do not stop the...

Nose / Throat

This One Thing is Making Your Allergies Worse

By: Kelly Warf, Au.D. Sanjeev Balamohan, M.D. Allergies can be stressful. They can cause an annoying running nose, itchy or irritated eyes, coughing, difficulty breathing, etc. But did you know stress can actually make your allergy symptoms worse? Now ask yourself which came first, the allergies or the stress? Unlike...

Ear / Nose / Throat

Test Your Ear, Nose, and Throat Knowledge With These Fun Facts

By: Kelly Warf, Au.D. David Tojo, M.D. Your ear, nose, and throat are complex, sensitive organs. How many of the following facts did you already know? Did you know…. The tiniest bones in your body are in your ear. The incus, malleus, and stapes (otherwise known as hammer, anvil, and...


Laryngitis vs. Hoarseness

By: Kelly Warf, Au.D. Sanjeev Balamohan, M.D. What is Laryngitis? Laryngitis refers to a temporary inflammation of the vocal cords and surrounding tissue, resulting in loss of voice or hoarseness, and frequent throat clearing. Cases can progress to chronic laryngitis, where permanent damage to the vocal cords may result. Causes...


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