
5 Commonly Believed Allergy Myths – Debunked!

By: Kelly Warf, Au.D.
Michael Layland, M.D.

Allergies occur when the body sees the allergen substance as a foreign invader and reacts. Reactions to the allergen can range from mild to severe in the individual. Many believe these 5 allergy remedies will help- but we’re breaking down these allergy myths.

  1. Hypoallergenic pets solve pet allergies
    While many find their allergies improve with a “hypoallergenic pet,” there is actually no such thing. Pets that have less fur are often labeled as hypoallergenic, when in fact, the allergic rection is not to the pet fur at all. The allergen is the pet dander, which is found on all pets regardless or how much (or little) fur they have. Pet dander is the skin that flakes off the animal, thus can be found on all animals. However, “hypoallergenic” breeds shed less, which means there is less pet dander to come in contact with.
  2. A spoonful of local honey makes the allergies go away
    Honey does have good properties that will help your cough or have an anti-inflammatory effect; however, it will not cure your allergies. Pollen and allergens travel with the wind, therefore, the pollen you are having your allergies to most likely is not “local” pollen.
  3. I can “outgrow” the allergy
    It is true that people have outgrown their allergies, primarily from childhood to adulthood. However, the common allergens like pets, dust mites, and pollen tend to continue into adult life. It is important to work with an ENT physician to monitor changes in allergies.
  4. Don’t bother getting rid of the trees around your house- it won’t help
    Pollen is a major allergen, thus many believe if they remove the pollen producer from their yard it will reduce their exposure. But since pollen travels in the wind, your allergies can be triggered by pollen that has travelled many miles.
  5. Allergy shots (immunotherapy) involves needles
    There are many options when it comes to immunotherapy; the appropriate option for you is determined with your ENT physician. But one option that does not involve needles is called sublingual immunotherapy, where drops of allergenic extract are placed under the tongue. To learn more about your options, schedule an appointment with our ENT physicians today.

To learn more about your allergies and management options, please schedule an appointment with us today so we can determine the underlying cause and create a treatment plan. Schedule your appointment at the Ear, Nose, and Throat Center today. Call 847-685-1000

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