
Category: Ear


Why is your loved one refusing to get hearing aids? Tips for talking about hearing loss with a stubborn loved one

By: Kelly Warf, Au.D. Have you noticed a loved one asking others to speak up, turn the TV volume up, or withdraw from conversations? Often it is the loved ones of the individual with hearing loss who first notice and feel the impact of the hearing loss. But bringing up...


Product Review – Widex Moment Hearing Aids

Hearing Aid Product Review - Widex Moment Hearing Aids By Kelly Warf, Au.D. Choosing the right hearing aid can feel overwhelming. That is why consumers go to an experienced, skilled audiologist to discuss the right hearing aid solution. The hearing aid consultation explores each individuals’ listening environment demands, style preference,...


Vertigo – The Condition that Causes Dizziness (Not a Movie Review)

Your balance system is just that, a system. Inputs are received from your ears (where your balance organ resides), which are confirmed with your visual input (eyes), then appropriate balance control is executed by your spine and extremities, and finally your brain is processing all this information. When one of...


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